Fees to Mediate or Arbitrate

Fees to Mediate or Arbitrate

Fees to Mediate or Arbitrate

Fees to Mediate

Full Day

$1,000 per side for 8 hours
$150 per side for each additional hour

Half Day

$600 per side for 4 hours
$150 per side for each additional hour


Cancellation Fee

A fee of $300 per side will be charged if you cancel a mediation after it is confirmed.

Local Mediation ADR in East Texas

Retired District Judge Cox can mediate in your town for no additional charge. You are responsible for arranging the location.

Fees to Arbitrate

The cost to arbitrate will be assessed in accordance with the fee schedule established by the Judicial Workplace Arbitration Organization. Please see jwarbitrations.com/fees for details.